Sunday, September 30, 2007

The MoMa Library

Artist Xiaoze Xie has made beautiful paintings of stacks of books. He had an exhibition of this work last February, called the MoMa Library. Even tough you can no longer visit his work, I wanted to tell you about it. I think the way his work comes to life is quite nice. You can see his work online, though.

For this project is visited the library of the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art (MoMa) in New York. There, he photographed the stacks of books left behind by visitors and librarians. After he has made the pictures, he starts to paint the stacks. He does this beautifully and very realistic. Look at the picture beneath. It is not a photograph, but an oil on canvas. Amazing! The detail in his paintings is absolutely fantastic. I would love to have one of his paintings in my library.

Xie's art

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